Counting the Cost: Portraits and Prayer - Open Doors UK & Ireland

Counting the Cost: Portraits and Prayer

Counting the Cost: Portraits and Prayer image

Every day, our persecuted church family count the cost of following Christ.

That might mean discrimination and abuse, or the loss of home and livelihood. For some, it means imprisonment or even death. But they are willing to pay the price, ‘because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:8).

Counting the Cost is a resource that helps us to picture their world, to pray for them, and also to reflect on what it means for us to count the cost of faith. Whether it’s gathering together, praying, owning a Bible or simply identifying as a Christian – what price are we willing to pay?

  • Seven ‘Portraits and Prayer’ cards on the theme of Counting the Cost.
  • Each card features a Bible passage, and ideas for individual reflection and creative prayer.
  • Instructions for use as both a personal devotional and in group or church settings.

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Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.