How are Christians persecuted in Yemen?
- If someone is reported to be a Christian, they could face severe monitoring, arbitrary detention, torture, ill-treatment and even murder.
- Christian converts can face severe punishment from the community, including being disowned, disinherited, divorced and losing custody of their children, being banished or even murdered.
- Yemen continues to be torn apart by civil war, and the Christian minority are discriminated against in relief aid, which is mostly distributed through local Muslim groups and mosques.
“We are afraid of the extremists, spies and the government itself, as at this point, they all work together against Christians. We are very careful in all our meetings and conversations.”
Zahra*, leader in women’s ministry
Why are Christians persecuted in Yemen?
- Leaving Islam to follow Christ is seen as a huge betrayal of your native tribe, and you will be punished or face extreme pressure to renounce your new faith.
- The extremist Islamist Houthi group are increasing in power, and they are determined to eliminate Christians and uphold Sharia (Islamic law). There is no freedom of religion.
- Other regions are ruled by al-Qaeda and so-called Islamic State, which are equally brutal in trying to quash Christianity.
Who is particularly vulnerable in Yemen?
- All Christians are in danger in Yemen. Those in Houthi-held areas live under the strictest prohibitions against Christianity – with a high level of monitoring and spying, it’s very difficult for Christians to meet up in person and online.
- Christians trying to survive in places where al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State have power are also in danger of being discovered and killed.
“We are trying to conduct our ministry as secretly as possible to keep people safe, knowing that we are constantly under the radar. From coded messages and secret meetings to pseudonyms, it’s like we have our own language.”
Saad*, church leader
What has changed in Yemen in the past year?
- Yemen rose by two spots on this year’s World Watch List. Increasing Houthi power and further radicalisation means dozens of Christian house churches can no longer meet.
- There is more fear than a year ago, and fewer opportunities to talk about Jesus. At least one believer was killed for his faith in 2024.
- But Yemenis disillusioned with Islam are searching for truth and finding out about Christ through online chats with secret Christians.
How can I help Christians in Yemen?
“I am honestly comforted and encouraged when I see how the church in Yemen, though in secret, is growing!”
- Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Yemen. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.
Open Doors partners support the body of Christ in Yemen by raising prayer, distributing relief aid, training believers and pastors, and offering shelter, protection and livelihood support to persecuted believers and their relatives.
*Name changed for security reasons
Father God, thank You for Your very brave followers in Yemen who risk death every day. Give them courage, joy, perseverance and peace. Continue to bless the work they are doing online to reach fellow believers and Yeminis who are searching for You. We pray for an end to the endless conflict and crisis in Yemen – may ordinary life resume for all the people struggling to live their lives there. In Jesus’s name, Amen.