Counting the Cost
A creative prayer resource for individuals and groups.
Picture the world of the persecuted church,
pray for Christians who pay a price for following Jesus,
reflect on what it means for us to count the cost of faith.
Following Jesus is costly – but worth it. Every day, around the world, our persecuted church family count the cost of following Christ. For many it means discrimination and abuse, for others the loss of home and livelihood, for some it can lead to imprisonment or even death.
And yet they are willing to pay the price, ‘because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:8).

Counting the cost is a resource that helps us not only to pray for them, but also to reflect on our own walk with Jesus. Whether it’s gathering together, praying, owning a Bible or simply identifying as a Christian – what price are we willing to pay?
Featuring seven courageous believers, this resource can be used both for individual prayer and reflection, and for small groups and prayer groups. Along with the story, each card features a Bible reflection, ideas for creative prayer and an encouragement to reflect on our own experience.
In the pack
- Seven ‘Portraits and Prayer’ cards on the theme of Counting the Cost
- Instructions for use as both a personal devotional and in group or church settings
- An information card giving more background about the work of Open Doors.