Transformative training for Malaysian farmers
A group of farmers in Malaysia are benefiting from training to help them face economic difficulties – and are seeing the truth of God’s love.

Is it better to get practical support, or to learn to trust God more? The best answer, of course, is both. In a project run by Open Doors local partners in east Malaysia, farmers are receiving practical agricultural training and also seeing more about who God is and their relationship with Him.
Daniel*, a local Open Doors partner and church leader, was overjoyed by the response he’s had to the month-long training. He has witnessed the development of a stronger and more united community who learnt to trust God through their circumstances. The training has completely shifted their perspective on farming, agriculture, sustainability and faith. “They responded with much gratitude. They were so glad to learn other methods of farming, and their enthusiasm was contagious!” says Daniel.
Persecution increasing in Malaysia
Malaysia is number 43 on the Open Doors World Watch List. Most of the Malaysian population is Muslim – just nine per cent of the country is Christian. Indeed, if you are ethnically Malay then it is obligatory to be Muslim, and the country’s constitution says that leaving Islam is punishable by death (though, in practice, this is never implemented). Violence and pressure against Christians in Malaysia are worsening.
“They respond with much gratitude – their enthusiasm was contagious!”
Christians from longer-standing denominations, like Roman Catholics and Methodists, are monitored and watched by the authorities. But non-traditional Protestant groups are purposely targeted with the aim of breaking them up, since they tend to attract more converts and be more active in sharing the gospel with Muslims.
The Christian farmers who attended the training don’t just have the possibility of persecution or oppression to worry about – recent hyperinflation has seen the costs of fertilisers and other agricultural necessities skyrocket. During the training, farmers learned how to create their own fertiliser and other farming supplies sustainably.
Difficulties turned into blessings
Not only the farmers were impacted: Daniel shares how even other church and ministry leaders were blessed to have participated in the training. “The community witnessed first-hand how their difficulties were turned into blessings and possibilities,” says Daniel.
“The community witnessed first-hand how their difficulties were turned into blessings and possibilities.”
“The farmers are already sharing stories of how their crops have multiplied with the organic fertilisers they learned to make,” Daniel continues, “These farmers are the same ones who supported their local churches financially and with food supplies during the pandemic years. I think this training united the community further.”
The organisers of the programme are grateful for the opportunity to bring hope and change to the lives of these farmers – particularly since they were such a blessing during the most difficult period of the pandemic. The training has not only provided practical skills, but it has also given them hope for a better future. As they learn to make their own fertilisers and other resources, they are empowered to take control of their livelihoods and provide for their families.
With the continued support of the church and ministry leaders, these farmers are confident that they will continue to thrive and make a positive impact in Malaysia. Praise God for everything He is doing in this nation.
- For the farmers to continue to be blessed by this training and encouraged by the loving closeness of God
- For the local church leaders and Open Doors partners to find new ways to offer hope to the community
- For God’s protection and kindness for all who suffer for choosing to follow Jesus in Malaysia.