Motivated by a miracle: Q&A with Manga, Nigeria
It’s a day Manga will never forget: Tuesday 2 October 2012. He and his family were at their home in northern Nigeria when Boko Haram militants stormed in. Tragedy ensued, as did a miracle that has profoundly motivated Manga’s faith. It’s also given him a voice for others like him – and that’s why he’s urging people to sign the Arise Africa petition.

Tell us how you survived the awful attack.
Around 8pm, Boko Haram terrorists broke down the house, door and windows, and they forced themselves in. After they locked my mother in the wardrobe, they tied up my hands, my dad’s and my brother’s, and they took us outside the house where they asked us if we will deny our faith and convert to Islam. We said no and they killed my dad, attacked my younger brother, and proceeded to me. I was so afraid and filled with fear. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I began to wish I was a better Christian.
“Miraculously, the pain vanished… I felt the hands of the Lord on my neck”
The militants came to me, placed the knife on my neck and asked if I’m ready to deny my faith. I responded, “I live as a Christian and I’m ready to die as Christian.” Slowly, I began to feel the knife cutting through my skin. While I was praying and being attacked, I remembered the prayer of Jesus at the cross. I said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34)
Miraculously, the pain vanished. I felt the presence of God. I felt the hands of the Lord on my neck. I was there bleeding. I felt the knife still on my bone, but the pain was gone. And when the militants saw that I was bleeding furiously, they left, thinking that in a couple of seconds I’ll die.
At hospital, waking up in the ICU, a doctor approached me and said that whatever it is that I’m doing for God, I should keep on doing it. He said it’s a miracle. At some point I was clinically dead, but God restored my life.
How has the attack affected your relationship with God?
Sometimes people encounter Jesus through teaching, church revivals or worship. But for me, it’s through hardship, trauma and pain, and the gift of life. I should’ve been dead. I’m healed totally. Many times, I’ve had the privilege of sharing this testimony to His glory. My dad could have survived and I would have been dead. But my dad is not alive today, and I’m alive. It’s for a reason.
“I want to make God famous”
God’s Word encourages me so much to count it all joy, even when I face persecution. Even at the point when the knife was still on my neck, I should have felt the pain, but He took upon Himself the pain. Every day of my life I enjoy His grace, and when I wake up to see a new day, it’s a miracle for me.
Every day I spend on earth I want to make God famous. I will not waste my time on regret, grief and anger, but on knowing God and fulfilling His works.
Since the attack, what’s been most challenging for you?
I miss my dad and I cannot go back home to be with my family. Daily we are mindful of our security. What if we’re being hunted? What if we’re attacked? Our life is not normal anymore. My anchor is that we are pilgrims in this world – we have a home that awaits us which is far better than this world. Yes, challenges still come, but the good thing is that my faith is becoming stronger every day in the Lord.
Which Bible verses mean a lot to you?
That’s hard because I feel like the whole Bible is special! I like 2 Timothy 3:12: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” There’s also Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Many verses mean so much to me, especially the Lord’s Prayer. I have searched my whole life and there is no greater prayer that defines my life and faith. I wish that everyone really, really looks at its words and takes it seriously with revelation, not just to memorise and recite it.
When I look at myself in the mirror with this scar, I remember Matthew 6:12: “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us.” I live each day with forgiveness for the persecutors, and I pray for their salvation.
How have the prayers of others impacted your life?
The prayers of believers – the prayers of people all over the world, the prayers of my family, friends and loved ones – always make an impact in my life. The scar is there, but the pain is normal, and it is because of your prayers. I believe you don’t only hear my story, but you pray with me and that prayer is always renewing my strength. It makes me feel happy to know that you’re praying for the persecuted church. Do not pray for us but pray with us, so that we will be stronger and standing firm in the faith. The prayers which you pray for me and my family, I see every day the impact of the prayers. Thank you so much for all your prayers.
As you look to the future, what gives you hope?
“You pray with me and that prayer is always renewing my strength”
Yes, there are high levels of violence and the church is suffering, but the church is still awakening. God is still reigning. Jesus says upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail (Matthew 16:18). So yes, the more there is persecution, the more strength, prayers and revival are still awakening. Even the persecutors, some of them are coming to know Jesus. The church is still being strengthened. To the glory of God, the church is still coming alive.
What would you like to say to Open Doors supporters?
I would like to tell you that what you’re doing for the persecuted church is not unto Open Doors or the persecuted church, but unto God. Do not grow tired or weary of doing all those things. Because of your support and prayers, maybe the devil will come to you with challenges. The persecuted church is not alone in this suffering. The same devil out there, causing the confusion and persecution to the body of Christ, is at work everywhere. He does not want to see the church strengthened, so he may come through you, too. But I want you to know that even when this suffering comes, be strong, the persecuted church is praying for you. They are very grateful for all that you’re doing.
How can we pray for our persecuted family in Nigeria?
More of God’s strength and peace. Even in affliction or trouble, the peace of God is what gives us joy and strength. Please pray for strength to remain firm, and that our fire for Him will keep burning.
Why is it important to sign the Arise Africa petition?
There are 16.2 million Christians displaced in sub-Saharan Africa. Many are paying with their lives. As a part of the persecuted church, I am pleading with you that this needs to stop. Please sign this petition. We want you to come in support and in agreement, to make it known to the government that there is a need for restoration for the body of Christ and the church to come back to its glory, for them to worship in peace. Together, we can stop the violence and start the healing.
- Give thanks for the miracle that Manga experienced and for all God is doing in and through him
- For continued protection, encouragement and strength for him and his family
- That those who attacked Manga’s family will encounter Jesus.
Christian leaders across sub-Saharan Africa are calling on the global church to stand with them against violent persecution. Sign the global Arise Africa petition asking for protection, justice and restoration.