
World Watch: 50

King Abdullah II

How many Christians?
170,000 (1.5%)

Main threats
  • Clan oppression
  • Islamic oppression

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How are Christians persecuted in Jordan?

  • Converts from Islam risk beatings, arrest and even death for openly sharing their faith, as well as rejection, violence and expulsion from their families, or forced marriage for female converts.
  • Job discrimination is common, particularly for male converts from a Muslim background. High unemployment rates add to the stress, as losing a job due to one’s faith can cause economic hardship for the entire family.
  • While Jordan has more religious freedom than other Middle Eastern countries, the state still monitors Christian communities to some extent and can harass unrecognised churches, especially those involved in evangelism.

Why are Christians persecuted in Jordan?

  • Converts from Islam are considered to bring ‘shame’ on their families, who can retaliate with violence, coercion or rejection.
  • Legal marriage is impossible between a Christian who is not a convert and a Christian who has converted from Islam.
  • Most Christians in Jordan belong to Orthodox or Roman Catholic churches and enjoy a significant level of religious freedom. However, they can face employment discrimination and restrictions against public preaching.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Jordan?

  • Converts from Islam are most vulnerable to persecution, particularly in the more conservatively Islamic south of the country.
  • Christians who share their faith with Muslims are also particularly vulnerable.

What has changed in Jordan in the past year?

  • Jordan has fallen two places on the World Watch List, but the persecution score remains the same.
  • Although there’s no major shift in how Christians are treated in Jordan, more are now considering leaving due to concerns over political stability and severe economic issues.

How can I help Christians in Jordan? 

Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Jordan. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors local partners support the church in Jordan with training, relief and rehabilitation projects.

please pray

Heavenly Father, we pray for our family in Jordan. We thank You that many Christians in this nation are free to worship. May their worship and praise shine as a beacon of light and hope for the entire region. And we pray for converts from Islam, asking for Your protection over them as they face abuse and attacks from family and authorities. Strengthen their resilience and faith as they trust in You. Please bless the monarchy of Jordan so they see the hope of Jesus in the lives of believers. In Your name we pray, Amen.


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