How are Christians persecuted in Niger?
- The presence of radical Islamist groups has led to frequent attacks and kidnappings, significantly limiting the freedom and safety of Christians. It’s also led to a rise in attacks on Christian property, such as churches, schools and healthcare centres.
- Those who leave Islam for Christianity can face rejection, house arrest, forced marriage, sexual abuse, divorce, separation from children and disinheritance.
- Pressure also comes from the authorities, and this is likely to increase in the near future. The legal process for registering a church is arduous and protracted, and legal roadblocks have been used to prevent Christians from gathering.
“We are facing persecution day and night. Oh God, deliver us from this bad situation!”
Why are Christians persecuted in Niger?
- The situation for Christians worsened after the July 2023 coup, when General Abdourahamane Tiani, head of the presidential guard unit, declared himself Niger’s new leader. There were fears this would open the country to further attacks from Islamist extremists. The impact of this continued throughout 2024.
- Given that conversion from Islam is considered a betrayal by some families in Nigier, those who choose to follow Jesus can face pressure from loved ones to renounce their new faith.
Who is particularly vulnerable in Niger?
- Believers who live in areas outside the main cities are most vulnerable to persecution. Taking advantage of the pandemic, Islamist militants have been able to expand their areas of influence, putting more Christians under pressure.
What has changed in Niger in the past year?
“My boss and my colleagues hate me because I have given my life to Jesus. They insult me every day and call me by all kinds of names.”
- Despite falling two positions on the World Watch List, Niger remains a dangerous place for followers of Jesus.
- Niger’s government is still in turmoil after a military coup in 2023, leading to widespread insecurity and lawlessness. This means that Islamist insurgents are gaining power and influence, exacerbating violence and targeting Christians and other vulnerable communities.
How can I help Christians in Niger?
Open Doors works through partners in Niger to strengthen persecuted Christians through economic empowerment programmes, leadership and discipleship training, persecution survival training and pastoral care for new believers.
*Name changed for security reasons
Heavenly Father, we lift to You our brothers and sisters in Niger. Comfort and encourage believers who are fearful of attacks and who face persecution from their families and communities. Please heal, protect and provide for those who’ve been affected by the violence of Islamist extremists. We pray for an end to the Islamist insurgency and for the restoration of a stable and compassionate government. Fill the Nigerien church with peace, joy and love as they continue to share the gospel. Amen.