
World Watch: 7

President Bola Tinubu

How many Christians?
106.6 million (46.5%)

Main threats
  • Ethno-religious hostility
  • Islamic oppression

Every £38

Every £38 could help provide six months of safe housing and relief aid to a family of North Korean refugees who have fled extreme persecution.

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How are Christians persecuted in Nigeria?

  • According to Open Doors research, more Christians are killed for their faith in Nigeria than in the rest of the world combined.
  • Jihadist violence continues to escalate in Nigeria, and Christians are at particular risk from targeted attacks by Islamic militant groups including Fulani militants, Boko Haram and ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province).
  • These attacks are shockingly brutal in nature – many believers are killed, particularly men, while women are often kidnapped and targeted for sexual violence. These militants also destroy homes, churches and livelihoods.
  • Kidnap for ransom is used regularly with the deliberate intention of destabilising Christian families and the church.
  • More than 16.2 million Christians in sub-Saharan Africa, including high numbers from Nigeria, have been driven from their homes by violence and conflict. Millions now live in displacement camps.

“Most of us don’t want to come back to our village. Boko Haram let us know that we will be murdered if we come back.”

Salamtu, who is displaced by violence

Why are Christians persecuted in Nigeria?

  • Nigeria has greater religious freedom than other countries in the World Watch List top 10, but the biggest threat is from Islamic militants who seek to destroy Christianity and Christians in the region.
  • Christians living in the Sharia (Islamic law) states of northern Nigeria can also face discrimination and oppression as second-class citizens. Converts from Islam often experience rejection from their own families and pressure to renounce their new faith. They often have to flee their homes for fear of being killed.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Nigeria?

  • The persecution of believers is most common in the northern, Muslim-majority states. However, attacks are increasingly spreading southward, into the Middle Belt and even further south, to where the majority of Nigeria’s Christians live.

“We will worship God because He has preserved our lives… I still have God and He is still on the throne. He will surely deliver me.”

Abraham, who is displaced by violence

What has changed in Nigeria in the past year?

  • Nigeria has dropped one place on the World Watch List, but the persecution score has not changed – the change in rank is due to persecution intensifying in other countries.
  • There were hopes that Bola Tinubu’s 2023 election as president would cause a positive shift towards recognising and intervening against human rights violations affecting Christians, but this has not yet materialised.
  • Unfortunately, very little has changed in Nigeria this year. Christians living in parts of the country continue to endure extreme violence and danger for their faith.

How can I help Christians in Nigeria? 

  • Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Nigeria. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors works through local church partners in Nigeria to strengthen Christians with discipleship and persecution survival training, trauma care, relief aid and economic empowerment projects.

please pray

Heavenly Father, we cry out to You for our persecuted sisters and brothers in Nigeria. Comfort and heal all who have been attacked, traumatised or bereaved and fill them with hope. We pray especially for women and girls who have been abducted and assaulted – set them free and restore them to their families. Help the new president to work together with the authorities to bring an end to terrorism in the country. Build Your good kingdom in Nigeria through Your church and give believers courage to keep proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Amen.


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