
World Watch: 41

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani

How many Christians?
381,000 (13.9%)

Main threats
  • Islamic oppression
  • Clan oppression

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How are Christians persecuted in Qatar?

  • Qatar is increasingly using advanced technology to monitor both citizens and immigrants. Believers from a Muslim background usually keep their faith secret.
  • Anybody suspected of being a Christian, particularly a Qatari or someone from a Muslim-majority country, can face discrimination, harassment and police monitoring.
  • A discovered convert is likely to face divorce and loss of custody of their children.
  • A woman who converts may face house arrest, sexual violence or, in the most extreme cases, so-called ‘honour killing’. Authorities cannot interfere in what happens in the family home, so there is little chance of legal justice.

“We already see the move of the Holy Spirit in Qatar. God is visiting people in their dreams. God is doing miracles.”

Church leader in Qatar

Why are Christians persecuted in Qatar?

  • Changing your faith from Islam is not officially recognised in Qatar. The only recognised Christians are migrant workers from non-Muslim countries, and they are only permitted to meet in a select number of churches.
  • Leaving Islam is considered very shameful for Qataris, and families and communities are likely to respond oppressively.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Qatar?

  • Qatari believers and others from Muslim backgrounds are most at risk of persecution.
  • Christian migrant workers face danger if they are seen to be sharing their faith with local people.

What has changed in Qatar in the past year?

  • Little has changed for Christians in Qatar, and there has been no change in persecution score this year.

How can I help Christians in the region?

Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Qatar. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors supports the body of Christ on the Arabian Peninsula by organising prayer, distributing Scripture resources, and training believers and pastors.

please pray

Father God, we pray that the Qatari authorities would allow their own people the freedom to choose their own beliefs and practise them peacefully. Strengthen the faith of Your followers in Muslim families, especially those who feel isolated. We also pray for fair treatment and justice for exploited migrant workers, Amen


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