Prayer News 307 (March-April 2025)

Be part of Open Doors’ secret network and support persecuted Christians in prayer. All the videos are available to download for you to share with your church or home group. Find out more about Open Doors’ See. Change. women’s campaign.

In this edition of Prayer News:

  • Bangladesh (#24): After suffering at the hands of the women in her community, Jorina is discipling other women to stand strong in their faith, thanks to your support.
  • Bangladesh (#24): An interview with Eti*, who shares about the joys and challenges of running a women’s ministry in Bangladesh.
  • North Africa: When Batoul* chose as a girl to follow Jesus, her mother and sisters turned on her – but she’s found the strength to continue in her faith.
  • DRC (#35): When Ludia* escaped the captivity of ADF fighters, she had to leave her children behind. Heartbroken, she needs your prayers.
  • Central Asia: Anara’s* husband found out about her Christian faith a beat her brutally – she’s now receiving support from local Open Doors partners.
  • Cameroon (#43): Farouk*, a grandmother of 20, is one of thousands of displaced Christians who have been given emergency food aid by Open Doors.

Also in this edition:

  • Pray with us: Join Andy and Rebecca as they share some good news stories and answers to prayer from the persecuted church to encourage your prayers. 

*Names changed for security reasons

1. Pray with us


2. Bangladesh


3. Bangladesh


4. North Africa


5. DRC


6. Central Asia


7. Cameroon


Pastor Eliso (Ethiopia)


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Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.