Boost your donation by 25p for ever £1 to donate.
Gift Aid is a UK tax initiative that enables tax-effective giving by individuals to charities in the United Kingdom.
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid allows Open Doors to reclaim the tax on your giving, adding 25% to the value of the gift at no extra cost to you. You just need to make sure you pay enough UK tax* to cover the amount we will claim, which is 25p in every pound you donate.
To start Gift Aiding your donations to Open Doors, you can download a declaration form here or fill out an online declaration form here.
*You pay Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, otherwise it is your responsibility to pay the difference.
You can make a Gift Aid declaration to Open Doors if you are a UK taxpayer by completing a form here. If you are making a donation to Open Doors on our website, you will have the option to set up a declaration during that process.
Alternatively you can make a Gift Aid declaration over the phone by calling us on 01993 460015, or you can request a form in the post by emailing supporterservicesfinance@opendoorsuk.org.
In order for the tax to be reclaimed, the gift must come from a source of income that has been taxed by income tax or capital gains tax. Other taxes such as VAT and Council tax do not count. Gift Aid cannot be claimed by a charity where inheritance tax has been paid.
Gift Aid cannot also be reclaimed on the following:
- If your donation is on behalf of someone else or a group of people eg. a collection from a prayer group or work colleagues
- If you are making a donation on behalf of a church, school, company or other organisation;
- If you have bought something such as an online resource
- Proceeds from the sale of goods or services (e.g. bake sale, a coffee morning or a craft sale)
- On collections collected at an event and paid to the charity as a single amount from an individual
- On sponsorship money collected and paid to the charity as a single amount unless it is accompanied by a sponsorship form, or on an online platform where the individual’s details Gift Aid status is clearly marked (please note full addresses including postcodes of individuals are needed to claim Gift Aid)
- On money collected from multiple individuals in a collection box and donated as single amount from an individual
Gift Aid cannot be reclaimed on:
- donations from a church, school, company or other organisation;
- proceeds from the sale of goods or services (e.g. bake sale, a coffee morning or a craft sale);
- collections taken at an event and paid as a single amount from an individual;
- sponsorship money collected and paid to the charity as a single amount unless it is accompanied by a sponsorship form, or on an online platform where the individual’s details Gift Aid status is clearly marked (please note full addresses including postcodes of individuals are needed to claim Gift Aid);
- money collected from multiple individuals in a collection box and donated as single amount from an individual.
We cannot claim gift aid on donations made on behalf of a company, however, a company can claim tax relief on a donation.
Open Doors can still claim Gift Aid if you have paid more tax than we claim on gifts you make.
Unlike previous Gift Aid systems (before April 2000) there is no minimum amount, no restriction over where the gift can be used, and there is no need to commit to a set amount of giving over a specific period. Unlike other countries, Gift Aid is claimed by the charity, and not by the supporter.
Open Doors are only able to reclaim tax from the UK government.
Many countries operate a Gift Aid scheme where tax on charitable donations is repaid to the supporter, rather than the charity. Therefore you may be able to reclaim the tax on your donations, and we would of course be extremely grateful if you chose to send that reclaimed tax to Open Doors. However, this is not something we can facilitate.
Yes, Open Doors can claim basic rate tax on your gifts. You can also claim back the difference between the tax you pay and the basic rate tax Open Doors can claim on your tax return.
Yes, tax can be claimed on gifts from a joint bank account, where one of the couple is a taxpayer and the other is not. If the gift is coming from a joint bank account, only one gift aid declaration (from a/the tax-payer) is needed to reclaim the tax. If the gift is made by cheque, it can be signed by either partner (it does not need to be signed by the taxpayer).
Please contact us (01993 460015 or supporterservicesfinance@opendoorsuk.org) with your name, address and the date of when you stopped paying UK tax. We will cancel the Gift Aid declaration and ensure no further tax is reclaimed on your gifts.
No, the declaration given on the website covers present, future and past donations. Unless you advise us otherwise, we will claim gift aid in respect of gifts given over the previous 4 tax years and will continue to claim Gift Aid on donations you make until you tell us otherwise.
Please contact us (01993 460015 or supporterservicesfinance@opendoorsuk.org) with your name, address, that you want to exclude a gift from Gift Aid and the details of when you made the donation that you want to exclude.
If you have questions, or if your circumstances change, please get in touch: 01993 460015 or supporterservicesfinance@opendoorsuk.org.