Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Video: Vietnamese Christians' house torched - because they love Jesus - Open Doors UK & Ireland
22 December 2021

Video: Vietnamese Christians' house torched - because they love Jesus

This video shows a Vietnamese Christian family's home being burned down by villagers - because of their faith.

This is actual footage of a Vietnamese Christian family’s home in flames, after villagers set it on fire. It happened recently, when Moos (name changed) and his family refused to renounce Jesus and continued to tell other families about the gospel.

Moos and his family became Christians in 2018, and ever since have been persecuted by the local authorities and villagers who see their conversion as a betrayal of the tribe. Despite threats and vandalism, Moos has kept telling people about Jesus – and has led 10 local families to Christ!

“I will obey God instead of men,” said Moos. And since then, the persecution has escalated. Now they’ve lost everything they own, and everything they need to farm, in this arson attack.

The family is now temporarily staying at a church member’s house, and a local Open Doors partner in Vietnam is in touch with a local church to provide more help to courageous Moos and his family.

Please pray
  • That the Lord will continue to give peace, comfort and strength to Moos and his family
  • That the Lord will use His people to provide for all the family’s practical and spiritual needs
  • For the hearts of the villagers to change, so that they would see the truth of the love of Jesus that Moos is sharing with them.
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You can invite your MP to the launch of the 2022 World Watch List launch on the 19 January. At the launch, they will hear first-hand accounts of persecution from around the world and be equipped to advocate for freedom of religion or belief on behalf of persecuted Christians.


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