
World Watch: 24

President Mohammad Shahabuddin Chuppi

How many Christians?
950,000 (0.5%)

Main threats
  • Dictatorial paranoia
  • Islamic oppression

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How are Christians persecuted in Bangladesh?

“We are persecuted, afflicted and mistreated – but not broken.”

Mijanur Rahman*
  • Converts – whether from a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or an ethnic/tribal background – face the most severe restrictions, discrimination and attacks in Bangladesh. Fearing attack from extremists, they often gather in small house churches or secret groups.
  • Persecution against men is often more public than that against women; men can be beaten, tortured and threatened, whilst women can face sexual assault, harassment, forced marriage and divorce.
  • Church leaders are particularly at risk of arrest, although imprisonment is rare.
  • Churches that evangelise among the Muslim majority face persecution, but even traditional churches such as the Roman Catholic Church may experience attacks or threats made to their clergy.

Why are Christians persecuted in Bangladesh?

  • Conversion to Christianity is viewed as a betrayal, leading to hostility from the community, local leaders and even their own families.
  • Christians who belong to ethnic minorities can experience persecution on two fronts – first for their ethnicity; second for their faith.

Who is particularly vulnerable in Bangladesh?

  • Converts (mostly from Islam, but also from Hinduism, Buddhism or traditional religions) are most at risk of persecution in Bangladesh.
  • Women and girls – particularly converts – are most vulnerable to both religious and human rights violations from their immediate family, extended family, friends, neighbours and local community.
  • Christians belonging to ethnic or refugee communities, where they are in a religious minority, can be subject to significant violence.

“In many areas, radical groups are compiling lists of converted Christians to attack their houses.”

Open Doors partner

What has changed in Bangladesh in the past year?

  • Bangladesh has risen three places in the latest World Watch List. Although violent protests in August 2024 were largely started by student groups angry about job quota systems, the violence spilled over and targeted Christians. Radical groups used the chaos to attack Christian communities, especially converts.

How can I help Christians in Bangladesh?

  • Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in Bangladesh. Your prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors partners in Bangladesh provide persecuted survival training, discipleship, Bibles and other Christian literature, literacy programmes and socio-economic empowerment, and emergency aid.

*Name changed for security reasons

please pray

Dear Lord, we pray for Your people in Bangladesh. We ask for their protection and that they will not be singled out by radical groups. We pray for political stability and that Christians will be seen as ambassadors of Your love and peace in the midst of trials. Please remind Bangladeshi Christians that they aren’t alone, and that they belong to a praying, global church. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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