World Watch: 35

President Félix Tshisekedi

How many Christians?
100.6 million (95.2%)

Main threats
  • Islamic oppression
  • Organised corruption and crime

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How are Christians persecuted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?

  • Even though most of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is Christian, believers are increasingly vulnerable to persecution. Pastors and Christian leaders are targeted and harassed for their faith, especially in eastern Congo. Their families are also at risk.
  • Churches that criticise the government or armed groups such as the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) may be shut down, and their leaders arrested or attacked. 
  • Converts from Islam and indigenous religions face pressure from their families to return to their old faiths.
  • The DRC has no specific laws to protect Christian women and girls, making them vulnerable to domestic violence and forced marriages. Christian women are also at risk of abduction, rape, trafficking and sexual slavery, especially by the ADF.
  • Christian men are at risk of being maimed, abducted, forced to join militia groups and killed. Men and boys can also face sexual violence.
  • To escape, Christian men may be forced to pay large ransoms, driving their families deeper into poverty. Christian men also face workplace discrimination and may be denied jobs.

“They came to exterminate us, but our faith can’t diminish… God fights for us.”

Neema*, who lost her four-year-old son in a bomb attack on their church

Why are Christians persecuted in DRC?

  • Christians face severe persecution and violence frequently from Islamist militants the ADF, especially in the eastern region. Allied with the Islamic State group, the ADF abduct and kill Christians and attack churches, leading to widespread terror, insecurity and displacement.
  • The M23 rebel group, reportedly supported by Rwanda, also targets Christian civilians, making the situation even worse.
  • Conversion from Islam is considered shameful by families and communities, and this is often a source of persecution and pressure.

“Getting food is our main problem now that we are displaced, because we don’t have a place to farm.”


Who is particularly vulnerable in DRC?

  • Christians face difficulties and violent attacks from Islamist militants who are particularly active in the North Kivu province, in the eastern part of the country. 

What has changed in DRC in the past year?

  • DRC has risen six places on the World Watch List due to an increase in violence.
  • The last year has seen an escalation in attacks against Christians from the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). These are Islamist extremists with ties to the Islamic State group. Coordinated attacks have killed dozens, displaced thousands and left believers living in fear.

“Really, it is prayer, nothing but prayer. We ask all Christians to continue to intercede for us.”

Rev. Kambale Aristote

How can I help Christians in DRC? 

Please keep praying for your brothers and sisters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Your gifts and prayers make an enormous difference to those following Jesus no matter the cost.

Open Doors works through local partners to support Christians in the DRC through persecution survival training, economic empowerment projects and trauma care.

 *Names changed for security reasons

please pray

Heavenly Father, we lift up the people of DRC who are suffering from violence and displacement. Grant them Your comfort, stability and hope. Strengthen the faith of new believers and guide them in their discipleship. We pray for peace and for the hearts of extremists to turn towards You, Amen.


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