Prayer resources

Browse our latest resources to help you pray for our persecuted church family.

“Your prayer will be one of the most powerful comforts for our brothers and sisters in Christ…” – Souphaphone, Laos

Prayer events

See. Change. Prayer Breakfast
See. Change. Prayer Breakfast
22 Jan: World Watch List Online
22 Jan: World Watch List Online

Prayer News

Prayer is a crucial way to support your persecuted brothers and sisters. Prayer News brings you face-to-face with persecuted Christians, like Jorina in Bangladesh, who live and work where faith costs the most.

New videos are released every two months, so do check back for updates.

Watch Prayer News Videos

Pray by country

Arise Africa
Arise Africa

Prayer resources

Weekly email
Weekly email
Prayer diary
Prayer diary
Children and families
Children and families
Prayer groups
Prayer groups
PrayerMate app
PrayerMate app

Get involved

Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus. Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.