Supporting the secret children

…to give them protection, provision and a Christian education.

Thanks to supporters who give and pray regularly for children, Open Doors partners were able to organise several camps for more than 400 children in Myanmar. These camps have a big impact. A child makes a picture of David and Goliath, with Jesus behind David. “Goliath can’t see Jesus, but he’s behind David and he is the strength of David,” the child says.
In Nigeria, 453 Nigerian widows received financial support towards their children’s school fees.
In Bangladesh Open Doors distributed 15,000 children’s Bibles. “I don’t have a Bible at home or when I go to church. It was only at children’s camp that I learned about Jesus, and I love to hear about Him! They gave me a Bible and I’ll read this to know more about Jesus.” Uzzal (10)
“I don’t know exactly what to say. But in my heart I am so happy. The Lord will bless those who provided this Bible for me.”
Thank you!
Thanks to your support, we can provide hurting and vulnerable children with:
- Safe houses and homes, to give them a safe and loving place to grow up
- Education so that persecution won’t stop them from fulfilling their potential
- Sunday schools and children’s camps, where they can be free to learn more about Jesus and make friends
- Bibles and Sunday school resources to help them encounter God for themselves.
Thank you for helping us to assure these children that although they are bereft of parents, they haven’t been forgotten by their global church family.